
Buzz bands

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Time to rev up the chainsaw

Skot Alexander’s band 400 Blows earned platitudes from the LA Weekly as the Southland’s best punk/hard-core act. Color him amused. “What punk rocker or hard-core guy would want an award on his mantel?” Alexander says. “In fact, who would have a mantel?” Not to sound ungrateful, he adds: “Music’s not a competition anyway. It’s just our way of having a good time.” 400 Blows has been having that, exposing L.A. audiences to its “anti-melody” sound of body-shaking percussive blasts. Alexander, 31, and bandmates Christian Wabschall and Ferdinand Cudia take it to a bigger stage on Monday night when they headline the House of Blues. “I’m a huge Beatles fans, and I like Radiohead and a lot of things you hear. But I like a lot of avant stuff, music that goes against the grain,” Alexander says. “We love searching for new ground....For us, music is just rhythm and passion, backed by a chainsaw.” And if you can’t hum it, well .... “To us it’s a regular song, with as much care and thought put into it as any song. You just have to change your ears a bit.”

Hanging in paid off

Wilshire has a message for acts on the open-mike circuit: Don’t give up. The husband-and-wife duo, who specialize in catchy pop/rock tunes with a soulful vocal tinge, are living proof. Once so broke they had to choose between going out in support of their friends or eating, Micah and Lori Wilshire (rhymes with fire) are set to release their debut album, “New Universe,” on Columbia Records on Sept. 23. In only four years, the couple, who moved from Nashville after feeling suffocated by that city’s music scene, have gone from Highland Grounds to opening for platinum act Train on a recent tour. How would they describe the opening night at San Francisco’s historic Warfield? “Surreal,” Micah says, recalling those cozier nights. “Every one of those open-mike shows led to a gig or someone hearing our songs,” he says.

Fast forward

Ron Fountenberry, a.k.a. the Incredible Moses Leroy, settles in on Tuesday nights as the August resident at the Silverlake Lounge.... Kennedy, the 88, Bedroom Walls and the Physical Plants (featuring Elliott Smith) are among the acts playing a tribute to the Kinks on Sunday night at the Derby.... Highlight of the International Pop Overthrow’s closing weekend: The Liquor Giants reassemble for a set Friday at the Knitting Factory Hollywood.


-- Kevin Bronson, with Steve Baltin

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