
Hearing on Synagogue Is Continued

Times Staff Writer

A hearing to determine whether to grant parking and landscaping exemptions to a synagogue that wants to move to a new location in Tarzana has been continued until Sept. 11, according to an official for the South Valley Area Planning Commission.

Leaders of Beith David Educational Center are seeking exemptions from city regulations that require 150 parking spaces and devotion of a percentage of the proposed Clark Street location to landscaping.

Commission President Michael Mahdesian said the panel would use the extra time to determine how much parking Beith David would need at the new site.


Commissioners also want congregants to clarify the types of events they would hold at the building, which has 31 parking spaces.

A study by a congregation-hired consultant found that 25 spaces, at most, would be needed for the Orthodox synagogue. Orthodox Jews walk to temple on the Sabbath.

The congregation has also signed leases with a post office and nearby business, bringing the total parking spaces to 120.
