
Giving Terrorists Too Much Information


“LAX Ranks No. 1 on State List of Terrorist Targets” (Feb. 22) reported that the California attorney general has prepared a ranked list of 624 prime California terrorist targets. While the details of the report were not made public, The Times, after ferreting it out, critiques the list, pointing out several overlooked prime targets that “attract thousands of visitors daily.” (The public has a right to know all the facts, even the ambitious terrorists among us.)

Meanwhile, the U.S. attorney general has developed a color-coded system to warn law enforcement personnel, the public and the terrorists just exactly when our home defense systems are being deployed and at what levels of “alertness” and “awareness.” And they rely on the media to get the color codes out to the public and any ambitious terrorists among us. I sleep better, secure in knowing that our public servants and The Times are out there doing their jobs -- protecting and informing.

Ralph Mills

Rancho Palos Verdes
