
Isn’t There Anything They Like About T.J.?

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I found T.J. Simers’ article, “With Full House, Hockey Seems Almost Appealing,” quite humorous. I completely understand Mr. Simers’ disdain for the sport of hockey, especially here in Lakerland.

I can easily understand how a fan of basketball would find hockey boring. The love for a game in which no defense is played and scoring occurs at least 100 times a game would preclude anyone from enjoying or appreciating hockey.

T.J., thank you for the amusement. You presented the mentality of most basketball fans with amazing grace. Enjoy the Lakers throughout this playoff season, along with everyone else in L.A. and Orange County. Enjoy those close 128-110-point games down the stretch. Good luck finding a traveling call, and don’t worry about any low-scoring, defensive battles. Most important, go “anywhere” besides the Pond this playoff season, and save a seat for a true hockey fan capable of appreciating a game worthy of respect.


Ed Atkinson

