
Great Park Will Be for Prisoners, Panhandlers

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Prisoners and panhandlers best describe who will be found at Irvine’s so-called Great Park. I was perusing the environmental impact report for this boondoggle, and here are some of my findings:

First, there is the James A. Musick jail, a minimum-security facility that houses 1,250 inmates. It would be transformed into a maximum-security facility, with a capacity of 7,584 inmates!

Then, there are homeless facilities -- a grand total of 155 housing units, plus 272,302 square feet of building space set aside for nine providers of services to the homeless.


Homeless centers are simply magnets for substance abusers, freeloaders and panhandlers. Mixing them in with a park will only cause problems.

Because of all these problems, I oppose Irvine’s plans to annex El Toro. It will only be an albatross around our city’s neck.

J.C. Carter

