
And Then There Were 4: The Democrats Debate

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Thank goodness for debates, the only forum in which candidates get more or less equal time. The coverage of debates is another story (“Kerry and Edwards Pointed and Polite in Lively USC Debate,” Feb. 27). John Kerry and John Edwards get all the attention, even though Dennis Kucinich has the best solutions to our problems. Kucinich is for universal, single-payer healthcare, the most cost-effective of the candidates’ health plans. But what have the media done to help us understand how his plan would work? Or how his plan to get us out of Iraq would work? Or what he would do for the millions of unemployed?

Esther Riley

Fairfax, Calif.

Neither Edwards nor Kerry gave a straight answer on the question of gay marriage. I am married to the woman of my dreams. If Rosie O’Donnell wants to marry the woman of her dreams (Feb. 27), what do I care? She’s entitled to the same rights I am. When Kerry or Edwards has the chutzpah to simply stand up and say that, I’ll vote for him.

Bart Braverman

Los Angeles

As I watched the debate I was reminded that kings in the Middle Ages had court jesters to lighten the public discourse and keep them honest. When Kerry or Edwards becomes president, he should create the office of White House jester and appoint Al Sharpton. I say this with the greatest respect for Sharpton and his talent to make us think and laugh at the same time.


Raymond Roy

San Diego
