
Schwarzenegger Is Selling Out the State

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Re “Governor Seeks Outside Donors for Campaigns,” Jan. 29: Who gave permission to Arnold Schwarzenegger to sell California to wealthy outside interests? California issues must be decided by California voters.

Schwarzenegger may say he can’t be bought, but he is certainly open to selling California to the highest bidders.

Time to get out the petitions and recall Schwarzenegger!

Nancy Pina



Every day, it becomes clearer that Schwarzenegger is on an ego trip as he ignores California law and the sentiment that swept him into office. He is more focused on the national political situation than on California’s problems and he uses, with some skill, a common political deviousness known as “transference” to keep himself in the national headlines.


Instead of facing and solving the state’s problems, he diverts our energies into the likely unconstitutional area of midterm redistricting. He establishes the California agenda at his whim, ignoring the real issues faced by Californians every day.

This is one of the most absurd examples of the super-rich deceiving the public into believing they represent the common man. To paraphrase Harry Golden, only in California could an Arnold Schwarzenegger be elected to any public office.

Joe Hirsch



The fact that the governor seeks funds from non-Californians for his special interests shows that he does not represent the people of California, either Republican or Democrat. This “girlie boy” evidences that he is a loser in his own state and needs help from people who see that he is willing to sell out California for his own ambitions.


Theo Lacy

Santa Ana


Re “Capitol Battle Lines Harden,” news analysis, Jan. 28: I am finding it more and more distressing to read about Schwarzenegger’s antics. It’s becoming obvious that he persists in acting like a bully.

When he cannot get his way with our elected officials, he then threatens to tell on them to voters by dropping hints that he will hold a special election and let us decide.

As for the special interests, didn’t they raise the necessary funds to elect him and now have their hands out for preferential treatment for their agendas? Shame on you, “girlie man”!


Susan Fuller

Los Angeles
