
The NFL Has Its Critics and Its Fans

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I enjoyed Andres Martinez’s article “Let’s Play Footbolshevik!” (Commentary, Feb. 2). Over the years, my perspective on pro football has evolved into one similar to his. I am an avid college and high school fan and don’t watch my first NFL game until Thanksgiving Day, when it’s the only one in town.

Why? Two reasons. One, colleges and high schools can’t hold us hostage with threats to move if we don’t build a new stadium, luxury boxes, etc. Two, politically the National Football League is one big Red State; virtually every NFL player who runs for public office is a rock-ribbed Republican. College players, on the other hand, are too young to do this, thus making their politics invisible. And I’m rooting for the Eagles today. They appeared in their only Super Bowl a quarter of a century ago and represent a much better distribution of the wealth.

Steve Varalyay



How wonderful it would be if the U.S. were run like the NFL. A people-friendly society with the checks and balances in place. If the Patriots are the example of this system in action, I think I will watch the Super Bowl and witness firsthand how mediocrity has cleverly risen to the top.


Marilyn Piscitelli

Palm Desert
