
Odds Are 5 to 4 Against You


The Supreme Court closed its term last week after a series of rulings in all four major American food groups: religion, Hollywood, race, government meddling. Are you keeping up?

1. Overturning murder convictions by nearly all-white juries in two states, the court ruled that judges and prosecutors must end racial discrimination in the selection of jurors. Which two states were involved?

A. California and North Carolina

B. Illinois and Alabama

C. Texas and California

D. Confusion and Panic

2. The court held that displays of the Ten Commandments in two Kentucky courthouses are an unconstitutional promotion of religion by public officials. But in a related decision, the court found that the commandments can appear on a granite monument on the Texas Capitol grounds. What distinction did the court draw between the two cases?


A. The commandments are the focus of attention in the courthouses but are less conspicuous in Texas, where they are one of 38 historical memorials on the Capitol grounds.

B. The Texas Capitol grounds include both public and private property, and the monument is on private land.

C. The Kentucky depictions are included in nativity displays.

D. Texans need more moral guidance.

3. The vote on both Ten Commandments rulings was 5 to 4. Which justice cast the swing vote?

A. Sandra Day O’Connor

B. Stephen G. Breyer

C. David H. Souter

D. Dunn C. Lightning

4. In a victory for the entertainment industry, the court ruled unanimously that file-sharing companies that actively promote free music or movie downloading can be held liable for the illegal acts of their users. Which Woodland Hills company was a defendant in the lawsuit?

A. StreamCast Networks Inc.

B. Grokster Ltd.



5. The court gave cities broad power to clear land for economic development by seizing homes and businesses from unwilling sellers. The ruling has little effect on California city governments, however. Why?

A. The state itself is the redevelopment agency in California.

B. The state allows a redevelopment agency to condemn property only in a “blighted area.”

C. Owners generally have more incentive to sell because, by law, they must be offered “comparable property” elsewhere in the city, plus the cost of rebuilding.


D. California is a wholly owned subsidiary of China.

6. Four gold stripes adorn each sleeve of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist’s robe. How many chief justices before Rehnquist have elected to wear the stripes, and what inspired them?

A. All. A naval uniform worn in the Revolutionary War by the first chief justice, John Jay.

B. All. The three branches of government, and a fourth representing the nation.

C. None. A costume from Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta “Iolanthe.”

D. An operetta? About fairies? No way.

Answers: 1-C. 2-A. 3-B. 4-A. 5-B. 6-C.
