
Still a Woman’s World


Wow, that was a nice piece of fiction Lisa Teasley wove for us (“The Dad Redefined,” Essay, June 12). I don’t know where she lives or what’s in the water there, but it should be bottled and shipped to other U.S. cities. The involved fathers she speaks of do not exist in any circles I know. Women still do the lion’s share of child-rearing and house cleaning, and they buy the majority of self-help books.

Personally, I see that 95% of parents who attend PTA meetings are women, and that the main topic when women get together is exhaustion/why can’t husbands do more. Also, Dear Abby is full of letters from wives asking for help to get their husbands more involved with the chores.

Oh, wait: I know one husband who does not fit into this scenario, and his wife is a lucky, lucky woman. This is 2005--the times may be different, but the genes are still the same.


Eileen Flaxman

Los Angeles
