
Fellow Travelers Into the Sunset

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Re “Sunset Hall’s Red Twilight,” Column One, March 9: I decided that Sunset Hall is where I would have wanted to spend my twilight years, only to discover that its future may very well become just memories of its past. I refer not just to those lovely old leftists who still reside there, but to the entire genre of political liberals rapidly disappearing from America’s political scene.

As the country continues its course to the right, I salute these brave women who had the courage of their convictions and fought the hard fight when it counted. Surely history will be kind to these citizens who through generations put the welfare and inalienable rights of the American worker as their primary concern. This 70-year-old leftist is proud to be part of the sisterhood that includes strong women like Pauline Manpearl, 91, and Betty Weiss, 90!

Edna M. Tobias

Hermosa Beach


Such a sweet story about old Communists in a retirement home. What’s next, a puff piece on a Nazi country club in Idaho? No? Why, haven’t the millions of victims of the communist ideology not been enough for you to denounce it as fiercely as you rightfully denounce Nazism? Communism and those who sympathize with it deserve no more respect or sympathy than we offer for any who sympathized with such jack-booted thugs. Care you not for the blood of its millions slaughtered or oppressed in the name of that vile cause?


R.P. Nettelhorst



My hat’s off to the old ladies at Sunset Hall! They worked for the betterment of the working-class people! I never went so far as to become communistic in my beliefs; I believed that capitalism is OK, but must have many laws to govern its greediness and protect the working man. Now they are passing a law that probably will take away the lunch hour of the hourly working person. All I can hope for is that the pendulum will swing back. I’m now 81 and am glad that I lived when I did!

Mary C. Thomas

Garden Grove
