
Throwing the Book at the District Attorney

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Regarding the comment of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley, saying that the jurors who acquitted actor Robert Blake of the murder of his wife are “incredibly stupid” (March 24), I think that the district attorney is “incredibly stupid” for two reasons.

He never should have brought the case to trial with the flimsy evidence that he had. The trial wasted millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money, and for what? He just lost the support of many of his previous supporters, including myself, with his comment about the jurors. A real case of sour grapes that belittles the office he holds.

Edward Saraffian

Los Angeles


As a citizen who has served as a juror in three criminal cases, I am outraged at Cooley’s comment. The agony of 12 people who deliberate at length to reach a verdict on charges demonstrates their commitment to the principles of law they were asked to perform. It does not mean they are stupid.


Cooley should take a look at why he failed to get a conviction, not deride hard-working jurors who did their civic duty.

Patricia Harris

Manhattan Beach


Sounds like little Stevie didn’t get his nappy time that day. The prosecution’s case had more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

The prosecutors failed to prove their case beyond any standard of reasonable doubt, and if Cooley is too “incredibly stupid” to see that, then he should step down and turn his office over to more competent, and mature, leadership.


Marc Cappuccio

