
Rocking for the right to get married

Times Staff Writer

Marriage rocks. Especially if you’re gay and it’s legally prohibited, say the organizers behind Wedrock -- a concert to benefit the fight to legalize same-sex marriages.

Billed as a night of “music, comedy and mayhem,” the Monday night show at Avalon Hollywood will feature comedian Margaret Cho, actors Alan Cumming and John Cameron Mitchell, and singers Nina Hagen, Andy Bell and Kelly Osbourne, and others.

“It’s a human right to be able to have a relationship,” said Hagen, who is straight. “Who are we to judge somebody for who he’s allowed to fall in love with?”


Such a view has been, and continues to be, hotly contested, especially in California.

This year, the state’s legislature passed a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the bill, citing the voter’s approval in 2000 of Proposition 22, which said: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”

Next year, the issue will again come to a head when the California Supreme Court is likely to decide whether the vetoed bill and other state laws that define marriage are constitutional. The issue is also headed back to voters, with a measure on next November’s ballot that proposes banning same-sex marriage.

Recognizing California’s role in the issue, Wedrock organizers are donating all proceeds from Monday’s concert to Freedom to Marry, a national organization working to legalize same-sex marriages nationwide.
