
Stop when it hurts

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.

The week began with President Bush being tormented over trade and ended with Amman torn apart. In between, France was torched, the Governator was torpedoed and Congress took steps toward re-banning torture.

In California, Steve Greenberg questioned the special election’s bottom line. Minneapolis firebrand Steve Sack raked the administration over the coals. And down in Mobile, J.D. Crowe whined about social problems in France. I guess he wants more egalite and fraternite, less flambe and brulee. If Chirac responds with L’Acte Patriotique and secret prisons, it may be time to give back the %@#+@! Statue of Liberty. Pardon my French.
