
Many tourists go willingly into the traps


SO Veronica Pinckard asks what savvy traveler would squander $65 for tea [“Putting on the Ritz -- at Our Expense,” Letters, Nov. 6]? It’s a long-standing tradition in travel that there will always be tourist traps and they will be full of tourists. Who on their first trip to Venice, Italy, doesn’t go to Harry’s and have a Bellini and a club sandwich, then gag over the bill? Has any tourist to New York City not floated a loan so he could go to the Rainbow Room or Tavern on the Green? It’s something you do once, on your first trip, and then you can say you did it.

As far as England setting up a separate set of prices to entice tourists, is there anyone left who doesn’t realize that Britain is one of the most expensive tourist destinations on Earth? You make the choice to go and know that it will almost bankrupt you, but in most cases you go anyway.


Santa Monica
