
Stop needless waste of water down the drain


Re “No-Flush Urinals Just Waiting for Plumbers,” Nov. 23

Early flush toilets were not as safe as they should have been, so improvements were made. Current designs generally work well, but they produce billions of gallons of contaminated water annually that cause documented health and environmental problems nationwide. Now no-flush urinals are being developed. When designed properly, these fixtures can be used safely in the U.S.

Considering the amounts of water consumed and the health risks associated with current practices, now is the time to develop these promising alternatives.


Santa Monica



The manufactured controversy over waterless urinals has now reached ridiculous proportions.

Plumbers unions continue to oppose the proven technology under the bogus guise of protecting public health. Claims of potential increased risks of SARS and cholera are beyond ludicrous, as neither disease is transmitted through urine.

Waterless urinals are a proven technology that could potentially save millions of gallons of California’s most precious and threatened resource: water. They have been installed in numerous locations throughout the state, including the San Diego Zoo, Rose Bowl and universities. The technology is strongly supported by environmental groups, public health scientists and water agencies.

The time is long overdue for the International Assn. of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials to modify the Uniform Plumbing Code to allow waterless urinals.


Executive Director

Heal the Bay


Santa Monica
