
Smoothing the road for bicyclists

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I’m saddened that two people had to die for the issue of bicycle safety to come to light (Sept. 14). But it’s not restricted to the Pacific Coast Highway.

As a rider who’s commuted regularly between Hollywood and Santa Monica for eight years, I can tell you there is no safe road for bicyclists given the numerous construction sites throughout Los Angeles. L.A. should be a model city for bicycle commuting: We have perfect weather, wide boulevards and lots of land, but it’s more dangerous here for bicyclists than in most East Coast cities. We effectively prohibit bicycles as alternate commuter choices. While fuel prices will continue to rise, it’s time L.A. instituted a citywide bike lane system that other cities could emulate.


Los Angeles



I hope that the deaths of Scott Bleifer and Stanislav Ionov will not deter cyclists from riding on PCH, a magnificent place to ride a bike and the sole access to many popular cycling routes in the Santa Monica Mountains. Ride early in the morning and responsibly, join a cycling club and ride in a group, but don’t stop riding on PCH. We need more cyclists pedaling on PCH to make ourselves more visible and increase drivers’ awareness of our presence. More important, we need the cooperation of Caltrans, which has turned a deaf ear to the pleas of the cycling community to improve conditions on PCH.


Co-Chair, L.A. Share the Road
