
The homeless: Who’s helping? Who’s not?

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Re “Help the homeless don’t need,” editorial, Aug. 16

The Times described the ACLU as an impediment to settling a lawsuit about how the city treats homeless people in downtown L.A. In fact, we are doing everything in our power to settle this case. Earlier this year, a federal appeals panel enjoined an unconstitutional city code that allowed police to throw the homeless in jail simply for sleeping or sitting in public when there was nowhere else to go. The editorial suggests that not all parties are adhering to a court-ordered confidentiality agreement designed to move the mediation process along expeditiously. The Times knew in advance of publication that the ACLU would not violate the order and therefore was prevented from discussing settlement, correcting the misstatements and even from describing our position. Instead, The Times printed a one-sided editorial. Notwithstanding what happened, we will continue to push forward to settlement.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 24, 2006 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Thursday August 24, 2006 Home Edition California Part B Page 10 Editorial Pages Desk 1 inches; 55 words Type of Material: Correction
ACLU: An Aug. 18 letter from the American Civil Liberties Union was edited to read that a federal appeals panel earlier this year enjoined a city code that allows police to arrest people for sleeping or sitting in public. The court did find the policy unconstitutional but did not place an injunction on the practice.


Executive Director

ACLU of Southern California


Los Angeles


Re “Homeless Have No Friend in Antonovich,” column, Aug. 16

Bravo to Steve Lopez for keeping the spotlight on our shameful homeless problem and outrages like the opposition to Hope Gardens. The fact that we can offer only an emergency cot to less than a quarter of the dispossessed families on our streets is disgraceful. Thousands of innocent children go to sleep every night in cars, alleyways and parks -- without even the minimum dignity of a toilet. Where is the outrage?


Executive Director


Upward Bound House

Santa Monica



Re “Drive-By Fixes Not Enough for Skid Row,” column, Aug. 15

Lopez wrote another important column about the homeless in Los Angeles, but it wasn’t necessary to insult the residents of Kagel Canyon. To say we “moaned and whined” about Hope Gardens is unnecessarily insulting and rude. We voiced our opinion and expressed our concern, as is our right. I doubt any of us are “pro-homelessness,” and we all want a solution. Please don’t single us out as the bad guys.


Lake View Terrace
