
Can Barbaro and His Sport Be Saved?


I’m sure you have received thousands of letters concerning Barbaro and his career-ending injury in the Preakness Stakes, from horse racing “fans” who think it is wonderful that Barbaro had a surgery that saved his life and how great it is that Barbaro did not have to be euthanized.

Horse racing is my life. I work as a jockey agent and have been involved as an owner, groom and assistant trainer for almost 20 years. Sure, Barbaro had a surgery that saved his life, but was this truly the “humane” thing to put this animal through? A veterinarian stated that what Barbaro will now endure is comparable to a human having to spend six months in bed.

Let’s be honest, had this injury happened to a maiden, a claimer, or a decent allowance horse, even a gelding, the horse would have been euthanized. The reason Barbaro was not is because of his value as a stallion.



Monterey Park


Your story this week on the state of horse racing after Barbaro’s breakdown was woefully one-sided. Whatever its problems, the sport can be proud of the class demonstrated by all the principal figures. Mass-market outfits such as the NFL and the NBA should handle their misfortunes half as well.

Ask everybody out at Santa Anita, which just finished a meeting that was a great success in both financial and sporting terms, whether the sport is dying or not. If Hollywood Park closes, ask the people in Pomona and Los Alamitos whether they’d like a chance to become bigger players in this “troubled” game.


Manhattan Beach
