
‘Harry’ is growing along with his fans


AS the embodiment of Harry Potter from the time of the first film’s release in 2001, Daniel Radcliffe has grown up with his character and, as he approaches his 18th birthday, has signed on for the final two films. On the eve of the release of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” Radcliffe reflects on his personal and professional growth as well as the darker nature of the later story lines.

You were 11 when you took on the part of Harry Potter, having had just one small film role. Working with the caliber of actors that you have across the five films -- such as Richard Harris, Gary Oldman, Ralph Fiennes -- must have been a fantastic learning experience.

That’s absolutely true. It has been an education, but I would still call myself a novice because I’ve been acting for seven years, which isn’t a huge amount of time. But also I haven’t played huge amounts of parts, it’s mainly been the one, although Harry’s character changes so much from film to film, it’s almost like you’re playing a different part, particularly in this one.


I did [the film] “December Boys” last year, and I did an episode of “Extras,” which is really close to the bone. But I would still describe myself as a novice because you have to have played a huge amount of parts before you can say you’re an experienced actor, or even intermediate.

This film is much darker and more political than the four that have gone before.

There is a huge political element to this, which is one of the reasons I think it could appeal to older people because when you’re 11, generally speaking, you see goodies and baddies, you wouldn’t necessarily see the difference between why Umbridge [Hogwarts’ bureaucratic new Dark Arts teacher played by Imelda Staunton] is bad and why Voldemort is bad. And even though [Umbridge] is horrible, there is something sympathetic about her in that she is quite a sad, desperate woman. So you do almost feel sorry for her.

As the series has progressed, Harry has undergone more and more pain and peril. Do you ever wish that things would lighten up a bit for him for a change?

No. There are moments of comedy in this film, but I think it’s fair to say that this is the film with the least amount of humor in it. Ultimately, it’s pretty bleak. If we went back now and looked at the first book it would be a real shock because we’ve gotten so far away from it we’ve actually forgotten how sort of light it was. But even then, at the end of it, I dissolve somebody’s face -- which is quite a horrific thing.

But it has gotten dark, and I think J.K. Rowling’s been very clever in that she’s realized that while new people are going to read the books all the time, the people who read it when they were 7 are probably now about 16 or 17, and so she knows she can make it dark because the original fans can cope with it.

-- Mark Salisbury
