
Panel decision met with catcalls


Re “It’s your history, but it’s our sign,” Opinion, July 27

This article points out how a few people in a position of power can take over private property under the guise of “it’s good for the city.” The Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission designated the Felix Chevrolet sign a historic cultural monument. It now has the cat sign in its bag without even having to pay a dime. The dealership’s owners, the Holter family, cannot move or change the sign. Imagine how this might strike you if the same commissioners told you that you couldn’t change the way your business looks because they wanted it to stay the way it was. They do not have to compensate you in any way, and the loss of future income is your problem, not theirs.

Has Darryl Holter tried to persuade the commission to buy the property and put up an animal hospital or pet store? If so, I hope he can get its response in print. However, I already know the commission’s answer: It’s your problem, not ours.

Bob Bergstrom

Woodland Hills

What delicious irony that a member of the L.A. Conservancy should be hoist on the petard of historic preservation. Verily, those who live by the sword -- well, you know. All over a sign that is younger than my oldest child. It appears history is what you remember fondly but don’t want to pay for.


Arthur O. Armstrong

Manhattan Beach
