
Noise controls urged on project


A City Council committee Tuesday voted in favor of strict noise controls on construction of a 16-story condominium building next door to Capitol Records’ studios in Hollywood.

Developer David Jordan would be barred from using pile drivers at his Yucca Street project and prohibited from conducting excavation or ground-level construction within 40 feet of Capitol’s property line after 10 a.m. on days that recording studios are in use under the vote by the council’s Planning and Land Use Management Committee.

In addition, a thick neoprene foam liner would have to be installed around excavation done for Jordan’s planned 242-car underground garage to help shield Capitol’s signature echo chambers from vibration and noise, according to 28 last- minute “mitigation measures” adopted by the committee.


Jordan’s project was endorsed by Hollywood residents’ groups but vigorously opposed by music industry representatives and artists such as producer David Benson and singer Darice Richman, who pleaded for the preservation of Capitol’s “purity of sound.”

The full City Council will vote on the committee’s recommendations July 8.
