
Deeper into water use

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Re “Demand for water drops to 32-year low, DWP says,” July 28

If we all work together to conserve water, we can help assure a bright and prosperous life for future generations.

I say that we all become advocates of conservation in our communities. Help promote conservation as a wise and important water-management principle.

However, even if we drastically reduce the watering of our urban landscapes, projected population growth will eventually make new water development necessary.


Daniel Martinez

Los Angeles


Regarding the ongoing water shortage situation, why hasn’t there been some sort of new-housing construction moratorium?

Thousands of new homes have been built in the region over the last few years. All this additional demand on the existing water supply simply does not make sense when there obviously isn’t enough water to even supply the existing population.

Robert Andrews



I’ve started a betting pool to see how long it is before the DWP, citing decreased water use, asks for a rate hike. My money says it’s by Thanksgiving.


Bob Kertesz

Los Angeles
