
Canned juices and Alzheimer’s disease: Are they linked?

The People's Pharmacy

Is there really a connection between drinking juices out of aluminum cans and developing Alzheimer’s disease?

It is unlikely that drinking fruit or vegetable juice from aluminum cans would increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. Aluminum cans are coated with a plastic lining to prevent corrosion and protect juice from acquiring a metallic flavor.

These liners are not completely innocuous, we fear. Many of them contain bisphenol A (BPA), a compound that mimics estrogen. A December analysis in Consumer Reports notes that some juice and canned foods contain measurable amounts of BPA.



Is there an exercise that helps relieve vertigo?

A lot depends on the reason for the vertigo. If it is due to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, the Epley maneuver can cure the condition within minutes. This is a series of head and neck movements that get the crystals from the inner ear back where they belong and restore a sense of equilibrium.

An ear, nose and throat specialist or audiologist should be consulted for a correct diagnosis. Many can perform the Epley maneuver for you.


I’ve had bad underarm odor for more than 50 years. Then I tried rubbing milk of magnesia on the armpits. I no longer have body odor.


Milk of magnesia seems to work quite well as a deodorant. Because it contains magnesium instead of aluminum, people who have trouble with antiperspirants usually tolerate it.

Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist and Teresa Graedon is an expert in medical anthropology and nutrition.
