
That says it all


Whether filled with names read from a crinkly piece of paper or brimming with sincere gratitude, the acceptance speech can be better than red-carpet arrivals when it comes to keeping an award show interesting. Agents take note when a client mentions them onstage, and spouses sure do when they’re not mentioned. But the best comments provide unexpected color to what might be an otherwise dull event. Here’s a look at some of the engaging speeches from award season, 2008-09.

“I’d like to thank all my dogs -- the ones that are here, the ones that aren’t here anymore. When a man’s alone, that’s all you got is your dog, and they meant the world to me.”

-- Mickey Rourke, lead actor, drama, “The Wrestler,” Golden Globes

“Can I just say there is no such thing as the best actress, you know? There is no such thing as the ‘greatest living actress.’ I am in a position where I have secret information that I know this to be true.”


Meryl Streep, lead actress, “Doubt, “ SAG Awards

“I am so honored to accept this award on behalf of Meryl Streep. Unfortunately, she did not tell me what to say.”

-- Viola Davis, for Meryl Streep, lead actress (tied with Anne Hathaway), “Doubt,” Critics Choice Awards

“They must have done the counting in Florida. [It’s] an absolute shock, truly, to even get the nomination, to be here and to be proud of such a piece. I have to, of course, thank my family at home in Dublin or be killed. Martin [McDonagh], thank you for not listening to me when I asked you to cast somebody else. I’ve never been so at peace with being ignored in my life.”

-- Colin Farrell, lead actor, comedy, “In Bruges,” Golden Globes

“Listen, thanks ever so much, Golden Globes or the ‘GGs,’ as we very affectionately refer to them. Your mad, pulsating affection for our film is much appreciated -- really deeply appreciated.”

-- Danny Boyle, best director, “Slumdog Millionaire,” Golden Globes

“I want to dedicate this prize to the eight beautiful production babies who were born in our tiny studio in Tel Aviv during the making of ‘Waltz With Bashir.’ I hope one day when they grow up, they watch this film together and they see the war that takes place in the film. It will look like an ancient video game that has nothing to do with their lives whatsoever.”

-- Ari Folman, foreign-language film, Golden Globes

“I don’t know how to win awards. I know how to not be nominated for awards. I know how to do pratfalls and wear tiaras. This is very new.”


-- Anne Hathaway, lead actress (tied with Meryl Streep), “Rachel Getting Married” Critics Choice Awards

“As actors, we don’t play gay, straight. We play human beings, and this movie is something that all of us involved are so proud of. This is a story about equal rights for all human beings.”

-- Sean Penn, lead actor, “Milk,” SAG Awards

“Well, it was overwhelming enough to be nominated. But to win this is unbelievable. The entire crew and, definitely, how can I forget the children. This award, they deserve it. They set our performances. It’s the children who have done it, not us. Thank you very much.”

-- Anil Kapoor, accepting for ensemble cast, “Slumdog Millionaire,” SAG Awards

“With the extraordinary response to his work that we’ve seen all over the world, I, for one, start to be able to look a bit less at that gap in the future and a little bit more at the incredible place in the history of cinema that he built for himself with his talent and with his dedication to his artistry.”

-- Christopher Nolan, accepting for Heath Ledger, supporting actor, “The Dark Knight,” Golden Globes

“Thank you critics. I don’t know if I ever thought I would utter that. It feels good though.”


-- Ben Stiller, best comedy, “Tropic Thunder” Critics Choice Awards
