
It’s too bad Chipper Jones wasn’t on hand for this record

Believe it or not, the Guinness Book of World Records includes a record for most potato chips crunched at the same time. This we know because Guinness signed off on the record set by 39,203 baseball fans who crunched at once at Friday’s New York Mets-Cincinnati Reds game at Citi Field.

At 7:35 p.m. EDT, in the middle of the second inning, fans were instructed to open the bags of chips they were given upon entry to the stadium and participate in the Big City Crunch, a promotion for Wise Snacks.

Danny Girton Jr., the adjudication manager on-site from Guinness, said there was a definite crunch sound from all over the ballpark and, based upon the audible and visual evidence, he certified the world record.


Then, as has been their routine of late, the Mets went out and were crunched by the Reds, 3-0.


Trivia time

Who are the only brothers to pitch official no-hitters in the major leagues?


Downsizing a classic

Scott Ostler of the San Francisco Chronicle recently counted the ways that baseball has driven a great concept, the All-Star game, into the ground.

From Ostler: “That tie game. Tom Hanks should have told [baseball Commissioner Bud] Selig, ‘There’s no tying in baseball!’ Unlimited Internet voting for the 33rd man, with double-secret results (except for the winner). Shane Victorino got 15.6 million votes -- 600,000 from Hawaii and 15 million from a computer geek in Rangoon.


“At least one representative per team. Can the A’s send their batboy?

“Expanding squads. Now 33 players per squad. There aren’t 66 stars in baseball. Now it’s the All-Fairly Good Game.

“Winner gets World Series home field. This is nature’s way of saying the game was dying and needed a defibrillator jolt. Clear!”


In the nick of time

Along with Monica Seles, Andres Gimeno was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame on Saturday.


Gimeno ranks as the oldest player to ever win the French Open, at 34 years 10 months.

“I was going to leave the game without winning a big one,” he said. “I think God said, ‘Let the poor guy win one.’ ”


Trivia answer

Ken and Bob Forsch. Bob defeated Philadelphia, 5-0, on April 16, 1978, while pitching for St. Louis. Ken defeated Atlanta, 6-0, on April 7, 1979, while pitching for Houston. (Question and answer provided by reader Andy Bernstein of Santa Monica.)


And finally

From Brad Rock of the Deseret News in Salt Lake City: “ESPN the Magazine is planning an October edition on the beauty of the human body, complete with photos of athletes posing ‘nude but artfully covered.’ We already have that, don’t we? I think it’s called Wrestlemania.”

