


Art critic Christopher Knight has repeatedly overlooked the facts in his biased reporting surrounding the Barnes Foundation’s decision to find a more stable financial base that allows the collection to stay independent and true to its founder’s artistic vision. This is never more evident than in his deeply troubling Nov. 4 commentary on the film “The Art of the Steal: The Untold Story of the Barnes Foundation,” [“Silences Are Heard in the Barnes War”] as reflected in the “For the record” correction that ran on Nov. 10.

Here are the facts: The court testimony of the Pew Charitable Trusts president, Rebecca Rimel, was 100% truthful and factual. The Barnes Foundation, in 2002, approached the Pew Charitable Trusts seeking our help as it faced serious financial issues that threatened its very existence. We felt strongly -- and still do -- that to let the foundation’s one-of-a-kind art collection be broken up and sold off to pay the foundation’s debts would be a travesty. Over the years, Pew has contributed millions of dollars and countless hours to help the Barnes move toward solid financial footing.

Accusations that Pew has supported the Barnes as a means to further its own goals are simply wrong. We are proud of Pew’s role in helping raise the $150 million needed to allow the Barnes Foundation to move forward with its new plans and independent future.


Michael Dahl

Pew general counsel

There’s a reason Fox beats CNN

I read the sob story about CNN [“Slump? What Slump?” by Matea Gold, Nov. 5], the Nov. 7 letter about the article (only one side) and the story about Lou Dobbs [“Lou Dobbs Quits CNN,” by Matea Gold, Nov. 12]. Could you be any more biased? Have you or all the other detractors of Fox News ever wondered why it beats out all the other cable news stations month after month? Could it be that they really are fair and balanced and chock full of news? Maybe you ought to look into that.

Chris May

Los Angeles

Put football near public transit

Christopher Hawthorne hit the nail on the head with his article on the proposed entertainment complex/football stadium in the City of Industry [“More Than Simply Football,” Nov. 10]. At a time when our local, state and federal governments should be doing everything they can to encourage people to take public transit, the worst possible idea is to make this accessible only by car. It’s time for the government to once again refocus on the concept of renovating the Coliseum.

Miles Crakow

Atwater Village
