
Protesters to converge on Capitol to push for jobs help

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Thousands of unemployed workers and their allies are expected to converge on the U.S. Capitol to push for an extension of jobless benefits and other jobs legislation this week.

The activists will begin Tuesday by knocking on doors of congressional offices, organizers said, adding that they are particularly targeting Republican lawmakers and GOP leaders who have shown resistance to President Obama’s jobs plans. Later in the week, they said, they plan to target the offices of K Street lobbyists.

Some plan to camp on the National Mall in a protest that resembles those occupying public spaces around the nation.


Congress is considering jobs-related legislation this week, including a proposal to extend a payroll tax holiday that expires Dec. 31, giving American workers an average $1,000 tax break through 2012. Lawmakers are also discussing a continuation of long-term unemployment benefits that also expire at year’s end.

As many as 3,000 jobless Americans and activists are expected for the demonstrations, according to organizers. The activists include those organized by, labor unions, religious groups and others.
