
The American Cinematheque celebrates Kirk Douglas in September


In his career, the legendary Kirk Douglas earned three Oscar nominations, received an honorary Oscar, survived a stroke, did a one-man stage show at 92 and helped break the blacklist. Douglas and his famously cleft chin are still going strong at 95.

The American Cinematheque’s Egyptian Theatre is honoring him Sept. 19 through 23 with the retrospective “Paths of Glory: An In-Person Tribute to Kirk Douglas.”

The Times’ Geoff Boucher will be interviewing the actor-producer Sept. 19 at the 50th-anniversary screening of Douglas’ favorite film, the haunting modern-day western “Lonely are the Brave,” penned by Dalton Trumbo and directed by David Miller.


Billy Wilder’s dark 1951 drama “Ace in the Hole,” which casts Douglas as an unscrupulous reporter, screens Sept. 20, with Stanley Kubrick’s uncompromising 1957 anti-war film,”Paths of Glory.”

Douglas earned two of his three best actor nominations in Vincente Minnelli movies, both of which are screening Sept. 21 — 1952’s “The Bad and the Beautiful,” in which Douglas plays a ruthless Hollywood producer, and 1956’s “Lust for Life,” in which he embodies the role of painter Vincent Van Gogh.

The Egyptian screens a digital print Sept. 22 of the 1960 epic “Spartacus,” directed by Kubrick and penned by Trumbo. Douglas broke the blacklist by getting Trumbo screen credit.

The festival concludes Sept. 23 with a late-afternoon screening of Walt Disney’s 1954 blockbuster “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” based on the novel by Jules Verne.


“Kirk Douglas on the blacklist: Why Hollywood showed so little courage”

