
Video premiere: Starcrawler shreds through Japan in new clip for ‘Love’s Gone Again’

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For its new video, the Los Angeles band Starcrawler strung together shots from their adventures during a recent sold out tour of Japan, and the result might help explain why rock ‘n’ roll fans have been giddy about their rise.

Directed by lead singer Arrow de Wilde, the clip focuses on two particularly raucous shows. De Wilde, whose gangly frame recalls the Cramps’ Lux Interior in his prime, is a whirlwind of energy onstage, so much so that her dancing can sometimes seem like a physical reaction to the sound waves crashing through her body.

For the record:

7:20 a.m. May 1, 2018The original version of this post wrongly identified the director of “Love’s Gone Again.” It is Arrow de Wilde and not, as originally written, her mother Autumn de Wilde.


The video also features bandmates guitarist Henri Cash, drummer Austin Smith, bassist Tim Franco and what seem like a whole lot of bruised arms and legs. But as with any visual Starcrawler endeavor, de Wilde steals the show. She shakes and shimmies, bangs and stomps as head-banging fans rock along.

The song is taken from Starcrawler’s self-titled debut album, which seems hellbent on earning fans on every continent. As with the rest of its songs, “Love’s Gone Again” has little time for pleasantries or self-absorbed naval gazing. Instead, de Wilde sings about “a boy, a little boy/ He was created to destroy.”

For tips, records, snapshots and stories on Los Angeles music culture, follow Randall Roberts on Twitter and Instagram: @liledit. Email:
