
Actress Isabella Amara talks ‘Spider-Man,’ oxygen facials and relocating to L.A.

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“I went to Kate Somerville and got an oxygen facial like everyone else does before premieres,” said actress Isabella Amara, on the red carpet Sunday night for the premiere of her film “Wilson.” The 18-year-old might have been the youngest of the cast, which includes Hollywood veterans Woody Harrelson, Laura Dern and Judy Greer, but she clearly knows a thing or two about some good ol’ red carpet glam.

“I’ve been acting since I was about two or three,” Amara said. Her credits include a variety of short films and an episode of “Nashville,” with “Wilson” being her big break. “I’ve always gotten this super adrenaline rush, where I felt really happy acting. I’ve never felt like I haven’t wanted to do this.”

Amara will continue her assent into blockbuster acting with this summer’s highly anticipated “Spider-Man: Homecoming.” Amara revealed she’s in the dark just like the rest of us. “I’ve never seen the script,” she said. “They’d just give us the sides for the day and take it back. I have no idea what the entire movie’s about. It’s going to be a surprise.” And while plot points were kept secret, plans for the franchise weren’t. “They’re gonna do it of us growing up through high school, sort of like ‘Harry Potter,’” she added. “I’m not super relevant in this first movie, but I’m in the whole movie.”


Building up her repertoire didn’t come without sacrifice. “I kind of missed the last two years of high school,” Amara said. “My high school’s prom was yesterday, and my mom was, like, ‘Do you want to go to prom?’ And I was, like, ‘No?’ I’ve learned a lot, and I think being out of high school has matured me a lot because I’m not in with all the drama.” She also had plans to attend college but is now taking a gap year. “For almost every school, I missed the deadline because I was at Sundance doing press.”

While college isn’t in the cards for Amara this year, a big move away from home is — she’s currently in the middle of uprooting to Los Angeles. “We left immediately after Sundance to go out there,” the Atlanta native said. “My mom is with me right now just because I have so much press stuff going on, and I’m living out there by myself come April 1.”

She’s taking to the L.A. actress lifestyle well — oxygen facials and all.

“When I’m out in California, literally, you could point at somebody and it would be an actor,” she said. “I’m slightly embarrassed, in California, to be, like, ‘I’m an actor.’ They’re always, like, ‘Oh! So, do you do extra work?’ And I just leave it there.”



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