
This photo of a Walmart cashier helping a man struggling to count change for food will melt your heart

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The Daily Meal

A Mississippi Walmart customer snapped a photo of a cashier assisting an older man with his change and posted it to social media. The photo has since gone viral due to the story that goes along with it.

Spring Herbison Bowlin says she witnessed the man in line in front of her at Walmart pull out handfuls of change to pay for his items. While attempting to count his change, he became flustered. “I’m so sorry,” she recalled him apologizing. “His hands and voice [were] shaking.”

Bowlin wrote that what happened next warmed her heart. “This beautiful cashier takes his hands and dumps all the change on the counter and says, ‘This is not a problem, honey. We will do this together.’ He continues to apologize to both of us as we reassure him it’s ok. They get his transaction handled and he shuffles away.”

Advertisement documenting the experience, Bowlin thanked the employee for being so patient with the man. According to her post, the cashier sagely responded, “You shouldn’t have to thank me, baby. What’s wrong with our world is we’ve forgotten how to love one another.”

The post has received over 47,000 likes and over 27,000 shares. Who knew that an interaction at Walmart could be the one to restore our faith in humanity?
