
The biggest health trends of 2017

(OksanaKiian / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The Daily Meal

2017 was a big year for wellness. The truth about carbs was revealed, people got creative in their low-sugar kitchens, and everyone stopped trying to limit their fats (though maybe that last one has gone a little too far).

Click here for The Biggest Health Trends of 2017 slideshow.

Instagram is transforming the food scene, and more than ever you can track the progress of wellness conversations on a simple social media app. Whenever a new diet trend arises, there’s a hashtag. Whenever a new café pops up with an innovative use for avocados, Instagram is already on it. The new Instagram story function has allowed bloggers and influencers to detail their daily practices and rituals to devout followers, teaching people how to make their own collagen waffles and protein oats.


Through this platform, alongside many others, we’ve assessed which trends were really popping this year. Health and fitness are changing all the time - it can be tough to keep up. But now that 2017 has very nearly run its course, we can identify the biggest health trends of this year.
