
When is daylight saving time 2018?

Clock Alarm On Table With Blossoms Cherry
(RomoloTavani / Getty Images/iStockphoto)
The Daily Meal

Spring has almost sprung, which can only mean one thing: It’s time to spring the clocks forward. Every year, we lose an hour right around the turn of the season. It’s really a shame - springtime is the best time for picnics, outdoor seating, and refreshing seasonal cocktails. The warm weather opens up a world of possibilities for activities and excursions. The sun even creeps over the horizon earlier in the morning than before.

Until, that is, daylight saving time begins and the sunrise is shoved an hour later once again. This year, in 2018, daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 11, 2018 at 3:00 a.m. When you wake up the morning of March 11, be sure to set your clocks an hour ahead and wipe the grogginess from your eyes. You’ll have missed out on an hour of sleep, and you won’t get it back until fall, when the clocks roll back once more.

Losing an hour of sleep can wreak havoc on your body - but less so if you plan ahead. Eat the right foods for breakfast to optimize your energy. Avoid eating these foods before bed so you aren’t kept awake longer than you need to be. Use one of these natural remedies to help you sleep well.


For everything else you might need to get through the clock change this March, consult our Daylight Saving Time Survival Guide.

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