
‘Go the F--- to Sleep’: Good for parents? Bad for kids?


The not-for-kids picture book “Go the F--- to Sleep” by Adam Mansbach has become a viral sensation after excerpts from the book were circulated over the Internet. It appears to be wildly successful; even though it’s not even out yet it’s become the No. 1 book sold on

Why are parents flocking to this off-color book? And does it provide welcome release for tired parents or an excuse to behave badly about child-rearing?

Commenters on a L.A. Times article about the book weighed in — some denounced the foul language and blamed bad parenting for insomniac toddlers; others found it funny and advised other commenters to lighten up.


Studies have shown that children’s sleeping patterns may dictate their parents’ functioning, quality of life and marital happiness. And, given how most parents have to deal with a sleepless kid at some point — an issue for which there seem to be few easy solutions — maybe laughing a little to let off steam isn’t a half-bad way to deal.

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