
Letters: Does Kim Kardashian really care about the Armenian genocide?

Root cause of comments by Kim Kardashian are questioned by a Times reader.
(Lionel Cironneau / Associated Press)
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Spokeswoman for Armenian genocide? Really

Regarding “It’s a Reality Star’s Root Cause” [April 26]: The only root cause for Kim Kardashian is anything that keeps her name in the public eye. To associate Kardashian — a materialistic, narcissistic, self-absorbed, fabricated personality, famous for her nothingness — as a spokeswoman for the Armenian genocide is a crime against the atrocity itself.

Are we supposed to contemplate the idea that Kardashian, whose self-promoting lifestyle, has been affected by the atrocities against the Armenians during world World War I? That would be an enormous suspension of disbelief and an insult to the intelligence of the readers of The Times.

Giuseppe Mirelli


Los Angeles

Upside down and inside out

Paris Hilton has credibility as an art critic [“A Salute With Surprises,” May 1]? Jeff Koons compares himself to Marcel Duchamp? What alternative art world are we living in

Lynn Leatart

Sherman Oaks

Show’s premise a laughing matter

Regarding “Andrea Martin Makes It Difficult Not to Laugh” [April 30]: Once again, I am seeing a comedic conceit spun out of thin air that is not only delusional but also a slap in the face to older workers. In Tina Fey’s new sitcom, Martin plays a 60-ish female who gets a job as an intern on her daughter’s news show. I do hope one episode is about how a woman of a certain age gets that job. Don’t get me wrong, I love both Martin’s and Fey’s work, but that makes me even sadder to see such a delusional situation created by and performed by women. Take it from someone who has tried numerous times to be hired in such a position, only to be informed that those over 25 need not apply.


Hollis Jordan

Toluca Lake

A part to play in local theater

I second Bob Lentz’s call for more coverage of local theater in The Times [“Feedback: Local Theater Needs Support,” April 30]. Despite being totally unfamiliar with the local scene myself, and therefore not currently a regular theatergoer, I would absolutely love to change that. But where to start?

Cyle Zezotarski


Valley Village

The translation: More film info

I appreciate the reviews of foreign films in The Times, many of them esoteric and interesting. But please list in the summary whether the film is in a language other than English, and whether it is subtitled.

Steve Miller


Bravos, indeed, to LACO’s 9th

I am fortunate to be a subscriber to the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra’s Royce Hall concerts. The performance on April 23 was no exception. Thank you, Mark Swed, for your uplifting and accurate appraisal of Jeffrey Kahane as a “conductor and musical tour guide” of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony [“Kahane Goes All in With the Ninth,” April 25]. You write, quoting Larry Rothe, “Beethoven beckoning us to put aside not tones but these sounds so that we may become more civil and speak more joyfully.” Yes, our glorious bass, young Justin Hopkins, urgently cried out to all of us, and Kahane carried us into the ecstatic understanding of the word “all.” At the conclusion, concertgoers were immediately on their feet in an exhilarating, lengthy standing ovation.

Nuala Ryan

Woodland Hills

On that matter of geography ...

Lorraine Ali’s review of the new TV series “Genius” [“Brainy Encounters,” April 25] invites us to enjoy the life of the founder of modern physics, but it is half a world off in another science: geography. She describes the young Einstein as “the smartest guy in the Western Hemisphere.” Last I heard, Germany and Switzerland were still in the eastern one.

Frank Silvey


Culver City

Babs fan feeling a little verklempt

It‘s a shame that Charles McNulty felt the need to disparage the movie version of “Hello, Dolly!” — starring Barbra Streisand — to praise the current Broadway vehicle for Bette Midler [“‘Hello, Dolly!’ Finds a Perfect Match,” April 21]. He reduces Streisand’s performance to “some delectable moments,” when legions of fans (myself included) would beg to differ. The movie wouldn’t have stood the test of time without her tour de force performance.

Steve Gottfried

Rancho Palos Verdes

Another reason why ‘13’ is vital

Regarding “Underrated/Overrated” [April 16]: Netflix’s series “13 Reasons Why” is a unique and imperative TV show, especially for this generation, to show reasons why bullying is not “overrated” but is so overlooked, brushed off and underrated that it can take a life away.

Monica Hong

Signal Hill
