
For the record - April 13, 2011

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“Survivor”: In the March 22 Calendar, an article about the environmental practices of “survivor”-style television programs in foreign countries did not make clear the distinction between shows that are licensed by Castaway Television Productions Ltd. and authorized to use its “Survivor” name and format, and other reality programs that employ a similar program structure involving physical challenges on remote islands with ceremonial tribunals that are not associated with the British-based company.

In particular, the article referred to a Colombian production, which was criticized for filming on turtle nesting grounds in Bocas del Toro in Panama in 2010. That program was produced by a different company with no relationship to Castaway or its licensees. The article also referred to complaints from locals in Panama about a mess left behind on the Pearl Islands by a Turkish reality television producer; Castaway has pointed out that the Panamanian environmental agency, ANAM, certified that the filming areas had been cleaned up to its satisfaction. According to Castaway, there have been 180 productions of “Survivor” worldwide, including 18 in the Pearl Islands, and no complaints have been registered against Castaway or its licensed production companies for environmental neglect or insensitivity.

Bryan Stow: In coverage of the beating on March 31 of Giants fan Bryan Stow at Dodger Stadium, The Times in three instances has misspelled his first name as Brian: on April 5, in an article in Section A about how the attack had united rival fans in calling for improved security, and twice on April 12, in captions on the covers of Section A and the LATExtra section.


Assemblyman Tim Donnelly: An April 12 article in Section A about Assemblyman Tim Donnelly of San Bernardino said he leases a state car that costs $32,000 a year. That figure is the total cost of the car, which is leased to Donnelly for four years.

Robert Marcucci: In the March 16 LATExtra section, the obituary of Robert P. Marcucci, the former Philadelphia record company owner and talent manager who launched teen idols Frankie Avalon and Fabian, said he discovered Philadelphia teenager Fabiano Forte sitting on a stoop. The singer was born Fabian Forte.

Weather page: The weather page in the April 11 LATExtra section listed Sunday’s high temperature in Eureka as 584 degrees. The high was 58.
