
For the record - Feb. 18, 2012

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Juvenile Court: In the LATExtra sections of Feb. 1 and Feb. 8, articles about a decision to open Los Angeles County children’s courts to reporters erred in some instances in headlines and in text by referring to access by media. The order by Judge Michael Nash specified that those courtrooms be open to the press.

Primatene Mist: In the Feb. 13 Health section, an article about the withdrawal of the Primatene Mist inhaler over its use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) said that it was not clear whether a new version that’s free of the environmentally damaging CFCs is in the works. Armstrong Pharmaceuticals Inc., the maker of the over-the-counter asthma product, is working on a CFC-free device, according to a statement on the Primatene Mist website.

Kids’ Reading Room: On the Kids’ Reading Room page in the Feb. 12 Comics section, the last name of the illustrator of the story “Dudley’s Disgusting Valentine,” Anna Guillotte, was misspelled as Guillote.
