
City Beat: On a bus called the All Night Diner, musicians sing, dream

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Nick Siemion, 28, lives on a school bus. It's parked for now in downtown L.A.

He calls it the All Night Diner. He's set it up as a mobile recording studio.

Siemion earns what little money he has busking on the street with his banjo. At night, he travels the city, looking for other street musicians. He invites them aboard and records their music and their stories.

Living on the streets isn't always easy, he says. He doesn't have a shower or a toilet on the bus. He Dumpster dives for much of his food. But he has big dreams.

On his website and on YouTube, he hopes to share his street recordings and, if he's lucky, be discovered in the process.

I hope you'll read my story about Siemion that ran in Monday's paper. Don't miss the video by Times photographer Mel Melcon.

And keep scrolling down here to see the photo story about the All Night Diner that I sent out on Twitter.


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