
4 women snatch Gucci handbags from inside Costa Mesa store, police say

Four women stole designer handbags from a Japanese market in Costa Mesa on Sunday night, authorities said.

The women took four or five Gucci purses from Mitsuwa Marketplace in the 600 block of Paularino Avenue, according to police and Mitsuwa management. The value of the stolen merchandise was not immediately available.

The women entered the market just after 7:30 p.m., Costa Mesa police said.

The business comprises a grocery store and 16 independent vendors. Brandshop Treasures, the vendor that was targeted, was preparing to close when the thefts occurred.


Surveillance video from inside the business shows the four women apparently opening the gate after store hours and grabbing bags. An employee is seen getting up from a seat before chasing the group out of the store.

As the employee tried to stop them, he was pepper-sprayed, a store manager said. The substance missed the employee’s face and hit his arm, the manager said.

Employees said the women fled in a small white four-door car, according to management.

KTLA contributed to this report.
