
Federal agents raid a marijuana school; emergency room bills; Obama vs. the Supreme Court

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Crackdown on pot

Re “Raid on pot college stuns activists,” April 3

Oaksterdam University founder Richard Lee’s disability notwithstanding, the reason I can’t get on board with the indignation everyone else has about the raid on the pot trade school in Oakland is because the medical marijuana debate has been co-opted by just plain old potheads who want to get high and, in a lot of cases, make some money.


Instead of getting happy about finding a “doctor” so you can get your card for (pick one) anxiety, finger cramps, hangovers or hangnails, just admit you like the high and man up and fight for legalized marijuana, period. Don’t pretend to be supporting people who need it for a real medical problem.

Charlie Andrews

Los Angeles


Isn’t it a bit ironic that on Tuesday’s front page there was an article about the federal government striking at the heart of the medical marijuana movement by raiding the pot trade school and dispensary, then inside the paper there was a report on President Obama hosting a summit with Mexican and Canadian leaders where the drug trade was a major issue?

Obama had promised that the federal government would not prosecute medical marijuana users who comply with state law. So why are U.S. agents interfering with California law?

Robert C. Thompson


Marina Del Rey

True costs of our medical system

Re “The calculus of ER charges,” Column, April 1

Before retiring three years ago, I worked for two different hospitals as a financial analyst and contract negotiator, and I can state unequivocally that Steve Lopez provides a very accurate depiction of healthcare finance.

This should not be taken as a criticism of the current hospital administrators or their employees; they are caught up in a system not of their making. They are all healthcare workers and consumers, sometimes caught in the middle themselves.

This bizarre calculus developed slowly over decades as a result of competing interests. It needs fixing. Anyone who denies that overhauling our healthcare finance system is necessary must be a politician too cowardly to do what’s right.


Michael Bouffard

Cathedral City

When I was a kid in Hollywood in the 1960s, our family doctor made house calls. His primary diagnostic tools were his stethoscope and the little devices he used to look into our ears, eyes and throat. On a really special occasion we would get X-rayed or have blood drawn. Doctors often said things like, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.”

In essence, our lives were simpler. We accepted illness, death and all of life’s other accidents and imperfections.

We did not fight things in court unless we felt we had been maliciously harmed. Everyone makes mistakes, and we forgave those. We felt entitled to nothing more than what we could honestly earn.

Things have changed. We have more, and everything costs more. But can we maintain it at this rate? Is it worth it?


Arthur G. Saginian

Santa Clarita

Obama misstates the court’s role

Re “Obama hopeful about health law,” April 3

The Times reports that President Obama “remained confident” that theU.S. Supreme Courtwould uphold Obamacare. In fact, Obama delivered a blistering admonition to the court.

Attempting to meddle with the business of the court, Obama stated that “unelected” justices ought not disturb the work of the legislature. He wholly ignored the federal system of checks and balances and that the court’s proper function is indeed to determine if the work of the legislature passes constitutional muster, regardless of whether the law is viewed as the president’s pinnacle.

Georgette Herget


El Segundo

Obama said that if the Supreme Court did not uphold the healthcare law, it would be an “unprecedented and extraordinary step” and that the law was written by a democratically elected Congress. Obama must have missed a few classes in law school.

The Supreme Court’s job is to determine if laws are constitutional. And Obama taught constitutional law?

Bob Guarrera

Laguna Niguel

Caught up in deportation fight


Re “Deported, a father may lose his three sons,” April 1

This is an egregious misuse of authority in Sparta, N.C. Natural parents rarely have to prove their financial ability to support their children.

What this case boils down to is overreaching petty officials trying to verify a natural parent’s lifestyle in Mexico. It matters not at all if the boys would have a “better” standard of living in America. Of course they would, but that’s not relevant.

What permeates this story are the provincial attitudes of the social services workers who are vying for these boys. Even more visible is the obstructionism and meanness of these same people under the guise of helping the little boys.

Jean Chases-Gross



In whose best interests would it be to send those boys to Mexico to live with their father? Both parents seem extremely unfit to provide even the most basic of care for them. Knowing of his wife’s illness and history — four other children removed from her care — this man had three children with her. His background does not suggest a safe, nurturing environment for the kids.

The only people I feel compassion for are the ones who have little say: the children. I hope the courts decide to let the boys remain in their foster homes, with stable parents who would like to make them permanent members of their family.

Andrea Edwards

Sherman Oaks

Money for tests

Re “Students hurt by cuts to AP fee waivers,” April 1


Tight budgets are, indeed, making it harder for many students to pay for Advanced Placement tests. Increasing federal or state funding to fill the gap is not, however, the only alternative.

According to its tax returns, the College Board, which makes AP exams, took in nearly $66 million more than it spent during the 2009-10 fiscal year. The firm’s president received more than $1.3 million in compensation.

There’s no doubt the company has more than enough money to reduce AP testing costs or provide more significant fee waivers. Why should cash-strapped federal or California taxpayers subsidize the wealthy College Board?

Robert A. Schaeffer

Sanibel, Fla.

The writer is public education director at the National Center for Fair and Open Testing.


Too educated

Re “UC education hurt by leftism, report finds,” April 1

I understand the concern by the authors of the study that University of California system professors are basically leftists. The problem is that the professors read, think and discuss, making them too learned.

If only these people would listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News. But alas, university professors continue to think for themselves. Too bad.

Martin A. Brower

Corona del Mar


McCourt’s gains

Re “Are Dodgers’ buyers in for remorse?,” April 1

It is beyond absurd, unfair and unjust that Frank McCourt will walk away a newly minted billionaire after looting and abusing the Dodgers organization.

My question is this: How much of his ill-gotten gains does McCourt plan to share with Bryan Stow, the real loser in this whole sorry affair?

Felice Sussman

Los Alamitos
