
Letters to the Editor: The decline of democracy isn’t a both-sides problem

President Biden has repeatedly warned ahead of the midterm election about threats to American democracy.
(Alex Brandon / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Who’s to blame for the crisis of our democracy? (“Voters agree democracy faces a crisis. They disagree vehemently about who is to blame,” Nov. 4)

  • Conspiracy theories promoted by right-wing media.
  • Their audiences, who have forgotten what they learned in civics classes and who refuse to believe the results of countless examinations of the vote in 2020.
  • State legislatures questioning new voting methods necessitated by the pandemic.
  • Donald Trump’s media savvy.
  • Donald Trump’s lies.
  • Donald Trump.

James Sanders, Santa Barbara


To the editor: The cause for our dangerous divisiveness seems blatantly obvious — it’s us.

We no longer talk with each other but at each other, rarely if ever listening to opposing views. We instead go online and let the extremists speak for us. We cheer them on from the sidelines and then vote for candidates who reflect our obstinate positions.


In 1964 Robert Kennedy said: “What is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.”

Take heed, America.

Matt Giorgi, Brea


To the editor: I’m optimistic that democracy will prevail in this midterm election, and there are two reasons why.


First, according to a Harvard survey, 40% of 18- to 29-year-olds say they will definitely vote this year; and second, the turnout for this midterm is predicted to be near an all-time high. Young people tend to vote Democratic, and a large turnout helps Democrats.

Our democracy and freedom-loving people around the world will be buoyed by these courageous moral people who respect the truth, the rule of law and the freedoms bestowed on us by our Constitution.

Anastacio Vigil, Santa Monica
