
Letters to the Editor: Is it too soon for Rep. Katie Porter to run for senator?

Mug shots of two women and a man
Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee of Oakland, left, Adam B. Schiff of Burbank and Katie Porter of Irvine are among those hoping to succeed Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
(Associated Press)
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To the editor: I’m a lifelong Democrat who lives in Rep. Katie Porter’s 47th Congressional District. My vote helped re-elect Porter in 2022. I don’t like being subjected to a bait and switch. (“Schiff, Porter in tight race to replace Sen. Feinstein, poll shows; others trail far behind,” Feb. 23)

I voted for Porter in good faith to represent me and to stave off perennial Republican candidate Scott Baugh (who almost defeated Porter last November). Porter barely re-warmed the 47th district seat before deciding to seek greener pastures in the Senate. And, surprise, Baugh has already made his move to run.

I like people who finish what they start and who don’t make strategic political blunders that provide openings for candidates whom I consider undesirable. Porter put her political ambition ahead of her constituents’ interests, which is why I will be voting for Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank).


Jon Rowe, Costa Mesa


To the editor: Please stop turning polls into front-page news. They are not. They do not predict the future; nothing can.

Polls are actually useful only to the people running campaigns. To everyone else, they are at best a mildly interesting, if possibly distorted snapshots of public opinion.


The Times’ continued emphasis on polls — it was really annoying last year too — gives them far more credence than they deserve.

Stephanie Scher, Los Angeles



To the editor: Steven Hill is spot-on about the failure of California’s top-two primary system to deliver the moderate candidates that were promised when we voted for it. As he explains, ranked-choice voting does a far better job of giving voters real choices.

Perhaps the best argument for ranked choice can be found by looking north. It’s the system that foiled former President Trump’s attempt to unseat Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska, and that enabled Native Alaskan Democrat Mary Peltola to defeat former Gov. Sarah Palin for the state’s sole House seat.

It’s time for California to catch up to Maine, Nevada and Alaska in leading the way on election reform with ranked-choice voting.

Kathy Barreto, Culver City
