
Weiner should get over himself and drop out of NYC mayoral race

Anthony Weiner, New York mayoral candidate, speaks during a news conference.
Anthony Weiner, New York mayoral candidate, speaks during a news conference.
(Bebeto Matthews / Associated Press)
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Anthony Weiner’s poll numbers may have dropped this week after a second sexting scandal (and an even grosser set of photos) emerged, but according to a survey released Thursday, 16% of registered New York City Democrats still plan to vote for the mayoral candidate.


Perhaps, like me, this 16% isn’t bothered by how Weiner spends his personal time, so long as he keeps it out of the public eye. But voters should care that Weiner has lied repeatedly in desperate attempts to save face, violating the public’s trust.

POLITICAL SCANDALS: Sex, lies and lawsuits


And it should matter to them that Weiner is allowing his stupid sex scandal to overshadow an important race. Imagine if he were elected and yet another circus erupted, diverting his attention from important city matters.

Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine. Just look at San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, who can’t properly focus on his job while he battles sexual harassment allegations. Perhaps lewd chats aren’t on the same level as allegedly harassing city employees with, for example, the “Filner headlock,” but the point remains.

And there is another issue beyond the possible catastrophic consequences of electing Weiner mayor of New York. Giving a guy like Weiner a pass would send the message that we’re OK with sleazy public officials who put their own desires over the needs of the people.


“They already convey less trust and respect than used-car salesmen and parolees,” Rachel Maddow said on her program Wednesday of Weiner, Filner and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, who’s embroiled in a different sort of scandal. “What’s the next generation of politician going to look like, inspired by these guys? They will hold on as long as they want to because they think it is what is good for them. And ultimately, we all pay by their reducing the job of politician to the kind of thing that is done without shame by men like them.”


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