
Readers React: A government regulator that even Republicans can love

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To the editor: As a 67-year-old father of none, I have no personal ax to grind when it comes to the cost of higher education in our country. (“Corinthian students to get 40% cut in private loan debt,” Feb. 3)

But after reading the article about the fraud settlement with Corinthian Colleges Inc. — which did make my stomach churn with anger — I am proud of President Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) for creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, you should appreciate what the government has done for your kids. Imagine if we would have had to wait for the “free market” to work it out. How many more kids would have been ripped off with little ability to fight back?


I ask my fellow voters to consider that before accepting free-market and deregulation talking points.

Morty Mittenthal, Pasadena

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