
Readers React: SoCal Gas CEO: We’re honoring our Aliso Canyon mitigation commitment

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To the editor: Your characterizations as to how Southern California Gas Co. may not mitigate the greenhouse gas impact of the Aliso Canyon leak are unfair. (“Ignoring its promises, SoCal Gas intends to offset Porter Ranch leak on its own terms,” editorial, April 3)

We will honor the letter and spirit of our commitment. While you cite real differences in approaches between the California Air Resources Board’s (ARB) draft proposal and our comments, we strongly disagree with your assertion that any approach that differs from ARB’s ignores our promise to conduct a successful and complete mitigation program.

We made our commitment back on Dec. 18 to Gov. Jerry Brown because it was the right thing to do. The idea that SoCal Gas is taking a step back from that commitment is wrong.


It appears that The Times’ position is that the opinion of a state agency is de facto correct and the only viable solution. This attitude has the effect of suppressing the legitimacy of alternative perspectives. This is a disservice to your readers and to candid public discourse on important policy matters.

SoCal Gas has been a proud member of the Los Angeles community as long as The Times. For nearly 150 years, we have strived to be transparent and to engage our stakeholders, including policymakers, community leaders and residents, and we continue to do so as we take steps to support our customers and help make sure something like this never happens again. The Times has an equally important role to play in delivering factual and unbiased reporting.

Unfortunately, your editorial wrongly leads one to believe that offering a different approach is equivalent to ignoring promises. We look forward to reading a future article on the steps SoCal Gas is already taking to deliver on the spirit and letter of its commitment. Our actions will speak louder than your words.


Dennis V. Arriola, Los Angeles

The writer is president and chief executive of SoCal Gas.

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