
Readers React: A compromise on the county seal cross that agnostics can live with


To the editor: For those pious souls upset about the federal court ordering a small Christian cross off the Los Angeles County seal, here’s a modest proposal from us agnostics: (“Let the ruling stand on the L.A. County seal cross,” editorial, April 8)

We’ll suffer that cross on the seal, as a matter of historical accuracy. You in turn must stop striving to impose your religion on everyone else — that is, refrain from starting government meetings with prayers, plastering “In God We Trust” on public buildings, limiting women’s birth control options and other faith-based affronts — as a matter of constitutional compliance.

Fair enough?

Gary Dolgin, Santa Monica



To the editor: Recall the term “Native Americans,” the once obligatory — if historically inaccurate — replacement term for Indians. American Indians, however, have reclaimed the latter term, not because they like it, but because it’s an indelible fact of their history they find more valuable to remember than to pretend never existed.

The same is true of the California missions, one of which is depicted on the seal with a cross.

Besides, with an Indian proudly dominating the seal, it is political-correctness paranoia to see the cross’ retention as a promotion of Christianity rather than as the ambivalent historical truth it represents.

Vincent Brook, Los Angeles

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