
Readers React: In defense of LAUSD Supt. John Deasy

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To the editor: The amount of criticism heaped upon Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. John Deasy is staggering, especially over his troubled iPad project and the student tracking and data system. How many government technological systems can anyone name that have worked flawlessly upon introduction? (“L.A. Unified exemplifies the forces that stifle public school reform,” Aug. 29)

Give Deasy credit at least for trying to bring the LAUSD out of its obsolete mindset. Even if everything worked perfectly and every student finally felt that going to school could be beneficial, Deasy would be subjected to withering scrutiny by defenders of the status quo protecting their own backyard.

Deasy is to be congratulated and valued as an educator and administrator. He is not allowing union leaders, teams of parents, teachers and numerous special interests to continue sharpening the district’s pencils.


Deborah Brock, Agoura Hills


If Deasy truly wants to defend the civil rights of the students in the LAUSD, he might want to start by supporting those people who protect those rights each day: the men and women in the classrooms. Most of these teachers would lay down their lives to protect children, if such a defense became necessary.

Let’s honor and support these everyday heroes who serve our children for little money and even less prestige.


Linda Mele Johnson, Long Beach
