
Readers React: Racism at USC sparks a national dialogue


To the editor: I agree with the student quoted in your article that diversity is an important issue on our campuses and in our society and “we need to start talking about it.” (“Racism at USC sparks campus debate,” Sept. 24)

Also, as Rini Sampath, USC student body president, said, “This story is really not about me.”

I believe that continuing dialogue is the best learning strategy to help people examine the components of their mind-sets, which can influence changes in their behavior.


My recommendation is similar to Sampath’s suggestions: Every educational institution should have a diversity course available to all students.

Karl Strandberg, Long Beach


To the editor: It is no surprise to me that an incident of racism against a fellow student at USC occurred. With a pervasive attitude of arrogance on the campus, it seems to be in the culture.

Neil Snow, Manhattan Beach

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