
Readers React: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s diversity problems can’t be fixed by scapegoating its Greek system

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To the editor: As a parent getting ready to send her 17-year-old daughter from an inclusive and culturally diverse high school to a university, I worry about racism on college campuses. (“After blackface incident, minority students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo say they don’t feel welcome,” April 25)

Diversity, as well as safety, is an important factor in my daughter’s choice of college to attend. Although I know we won’t rid our country of racism overnight, I’d like to know that her university addresses social and institutional challenges in a way that provides immediate support to affected students and puts an end to these practices.

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo found an easy scapegoat in its Greek system, but it isn’t addressing the heart of the problem: a lack of ethnic and cultural diversity, and a culture of racism.


In my opinion, a university’s ability to welcome a diverse student body speaks to its seriousness as an institution of higher learning. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a long way to go.

Evelyn Aleman, Reseda


To the editor: It seems odd to me that a campus that is nearly 50% minority is not considered diverse enough. Also, it is hard to believe one of the students who said she is often the only minority in class. How could this be if almost half of the students are nonwhite?


Solving the problem of a dearth of black students at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is simple: More African Americans need to apply.

Bob Wiegand, Anaheim

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